Imagine living in a higher state of consciousness where productivity is maximized, learning and information processing is accelerated, creativity is improved, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose can be cultivated. 

This is living in Flow. 

I will help you understand your unique physiology, introduce flow-triggering habits, and avoid flow blockers, to create an optimal environment for living a high-flow lifestyle.

Being in Flow feels mystical, but science has unlocked its mystery: it is the result of harnessing our innate biology and managing our environment.

Flow can be taught. I will show you how.


The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.


- Joseph Campbell


Have you felt or experienced:

  • Fear of saying what you believe in?

  • Fear of being judged?

  • Feeling like you do not have credibility, are not smart enough, or are not good enough?

  • A lack of faith in your work, and unsure if you can do it anymore, no matter what you are paid?

  • Like you’ve made money and should feel “successful” but you’re still unfulfilled and unhappy?

  • Suffering as you contemplate the potential of who you are and the smaller self you are living your life as? 

You’re not the only one - I was once there too. I understand. I was this man and found my way out - by going in. 


Take a moment to imagine:

  • Discovering the reason you are here

  • Speaking your truth without fear and in spite of fear

  • Being useful to others and contributing to the betterment of the world while doing what you love

  • Liberating yourself from unnecessary suffering to effortlessly live a happier, fuller life

  • Living a purpose-driven life that is a reflection of your soul and true character

  • Receiving abundance as your work impacts more people

The life you imagine, that you know in your heart is possible, is within reach. I feel you and I am here to guide you.



My mission is to help my clients increase their performance, ease their suffering, and find fulfillment — to live in Flow and achieve breakthroughs in all areas of their life.

Flow is a higher state of consciousness where productivity is maximized, learning and information processing is accelerated, creativity is improved, and a deeper sense of meaning and purpose can be cultivated. '

I will help you understand your unique physiology, introduce flow-triggering habits, and avoid flow blockers, to create an optimal environment for living a high-flow lifestyle.

Sometimes our relationship feels more like “Executive” coaching. Other times like “Life” or “Embodiment” coaching. The label is unimportant, results are what matter.


The common thread is that I meet my clients where they are at and address their most pressing needs first. The separation of personal, professional, and spiritual spheres is a function of language. In this instance, the map is not the territory.

We are whole beings. A business problem may be a symptom of a personal or spiritual issue. Childhood trauma may affect us as an adult. Professional success may result in personal distress. A holistic approach enables us to co-create a container where no problem is off-limits, no solution to robust, and sustainable transformation can occur.

The answers you seek are already within you. My role is to show you how to find, apply, and embody them to transform your suffering into greatness.






  • I provide one-on-one coaching to people that are ready to unlock their full potential and transform their lives for the better. I employ a holistic multidisciplinary approach combining the latest neuro-scientific research with time-tested wisdom to inspire fast sustainable results.

  • Psychedelics can be powerful tools for personal and spiritual development. I demystify these powerful medicines and help my clients achieve the maximum benefit from their mindful use.

  • Along with my partner, Nicole, I co-facilitate sound meditations.

    In sound meditations, we learn how to listen to our thoughts and to simply observe them, without reacting. With practice, we learn to create enough internal space to see them for what they are: nothing more than just another passing thought.

    Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. — Viktor E. Frankl

    As we create space within, our entire paradigm of reality may shift.


    We are living at an important and fruitful moment now, for it is clear to men that the images of adult manhood given by the popular culture are worn out; a man can no longer depend on them. By the time a man is thirty-five he knows that the images of the right man, the tough man, the true man which he received in high school do not work in life. Such a man is open to new visions of what a man could be.”

    I am such a man. I believe that convening with other men of expanding consciousness is imperative for the personal and spiritual growth of men today. For all my insights on calls with my therapist or on plant medicine journeys, it took being seen, seeing, holding accountable, and being held accountable, by men open to new visions of what a man could be to break through my own limiting stories and become a better man.

    With a combination of breathwork, guided meditations, embodiment practices, and mentorship, I lead regular practice circles and workshops focused on changing men’s lives for the better.


“Whoever enters the Way without a guide will take a hundred years to travel a two-day journey”

— Rumi

Meet your coach


John Robert Downs is an entrepreneur, investor, and advisor within the cannabis and psychedelic industries. Downs is a peak performance and mindset coach helping entrepreneurs, founders, executives, and creative high-achievers transform and increase performance, ease suffering, and create lasting fulfillment by embodying their true purpose.

A devoted yogi and student of mindfulness since 2006, he discovered plant medicine in 2015 and began his own personal healing journey incorporating psychotherapy, men’s work, microdosing, embodiment practices, and the deep study of philosophy, archetypes, and the neurobiology of optimal states of consciousness (“Flow”).

With wisdom acquired from his own personal development work and diverse professional experience, his greatest passion is empowering people to access Flow to enable peak performance, increase motivation, productivity, creativity, and overall life satisfaction.


  • “John is a masterful coach with an incredibly positive presence, evidenced by his being voted a top mentor by the entrepreneurs in our business accelerator program. 

    He consistently demonstrates compassion and a true interest in understanding his subject's perspective and challenges before delivering actionable and cogent advice.  

    John not only contributed meaningfully to building the community and culture of the program, but he was an effective sounding board for the leadership team.”

    — Ben Larson CEO, Vertosa

  • “This was both my first time working with a coach and microdosing psychedelics. Being around John in any capacity is a positive experience - as a coach or a friend. That's probably what makes the experience so lovely; it feels like you're chatting with a very close, personal friend.

    John has great energy and is very positive and optimistic. You can tell this is a person who is not only helping you do the work, but doing the work himself. John is the kind of person who when he looks in your eyes, you know he's staring into your soul. This can be intimidating, but honestly it's the best. This is doing the work. You need someone who can connect with you energetically and spiritually like this to help you on your path. He is knowledgeable, generous with love and attention, pushes you in all the right ways, and gives incredible hugs!

    John really does want the best for you and he has the tools (plus the first-hand experience) to help you along your journey. I can most certainly recommend John as a coach and integration specialist.”

    -McKinsey Jordan

  • “I came into coaching very hesitant. I was never the type to speak to anyone about my emotions, literally, no one. When John and I started having our sessions, I truly started to believe that the guy is here for my own benefit and he's proved to have the knowledge and experience to help alter the way I react to specific issues that used to get the best of me. I thank John.”

    — RS


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